Cloud Storage Service Introduction

What is Cloud Storage Service?

The Cloud storage service is available for storing videos of most smart door locks that work with applications developed by Conex, and it is equipped with a security monitoring and cloud storage function based on technologies such as moving object detection, facial recognition, human motion detection, etc.


What benefits can Cloud Storage bring?

With security detection, cloud storage ensures that critical videos are not taking up any local memory usage and leaves sufficient memory for users.


Will the lock take videos when detecting a moving person or object?

Yes, equipped with 24-hour real-time monitoring technology, when people are detected to be moving around within the designated distance, the camera will start recording and synchronizing to the Tencent Cloud with encryption. Please note that it will not be recorded under normal conditions.


What is 30-day rolling storage for 1 year/1 month?

30-day refers to the duration that videos to be stored on the cloud server.

One year/one month refers to the validity of the subscription plan.

  • day rolling yearly plan =One year subscription plan of 30-day rolling storage

30-day rolling monthly plan =One month subscription plan of 30-day rolling storage


What does rolling storage mean?

Rolling storage is a time-based storage solution that divides data into intervals (e.g. 1 hour, 1 day) in chronological order. It stores only the most recent data in each interval while automatically overwriting and removing older data.

Please visit and click on "PROTECT PLANS" in the navigation panel to access the purchase page.

The cloud storage service is exclusive, please order the subscription plans separately for each door lock.


How to use the Cloud Storage Service?

Is it possible to view the cloud videos once the subscription plan expired?

The cloud videos will be deleted by a rolling cycle once the subscription plan expired. If the 30-day rolling subscription plan expires, the video of the 1st day will be deleted from the next day of the expiration date, and so forth.


If the subscription plan has been associated to a new account, can I continue to use the cloud storage service?

If a subscription plan has been bound to a device, it is accessible to use the service even associated with a new account.

If a subscription plan associated with account A, it is still accessible even associated with account B.

The network stability will greatly affect the video synchronization, please ensure a upload bandwidth of 4 Mbps and avoid occupation from multiple connected devices.